Soft Influencing may be a new term to someone but it is too old, you did not aware of it but it exists and various big marketers and advertising agencies use it on a regular basis. Let me explain this to you
In Short:
Soft influencing uses the soft approach to place a particular thing in the mind of the target audience. For example, you watched so many advertisements of Pepsi and Coco-Cola that replaced soft drink/cold drink figures in your mind as Pepsi and Coke, now wherever you see black cold drink you call it Pepsi or Coca-Cola.
In Details:
Marketers and big advertisement players often use this technique silently for placing their products and services in the mind of customers. They apply this technique with the help of commercials and big influencers. The influencers use soft approaches and activities on the audience and slowly the audience becomes familiar with the products and services after that they use to call products and services the same name the influencer is calling. Watching and seeing a product reminding us of the same brand which we heard from the advertising is the result of soft influencing.

What do you remind? What name comes first to your mind? I hope it was not detergent it was surely Surf Excel, Tide, or maybe another brand but not detergent this is what marketers did to you with soft influencing.

What comes to your mind first? If you are Indian it was Maggi for sure but if you live outside of India it was another brand but not the word “Noodles”.
Approach slow and connect fast is the work of soft influencing and I hope you are now aware of this term. I hope all doubts are clear but if any are left please comment.
1 comment
Very knowledgeable post dear munit