Home Academics Nature of Ads | 11 Characteristics of Advertising

Nature of Ads | 11 Characteristics of Advertising

by Munit Thakur
nature of ads

As we studied what is Advertisement Exactly in the last Article now it is time to know The Nature of Advertisement.

11 Nature of Advertising

1. Paid Form

paid ads
Dashboard of Linkedin Ads where you pay and promote your account or a post.

An advertisement is paid for by its advertiser. The advertisers pay for acquiring the space and time for conveying the message. There are rates and prices for different types of advertising media. For example, ads in the newspaper are cheaper than national TV.

2 Identified Sponsor

A sponsor can be an organization or the individual that is paying for the advertisement. In advertising, the receiver of the message can identify both the source and purpose.

See this Ad by Cred, anyone can easily identify the source and purpose of this Ad.

3 Mass Appeal

Advertising address a mass audience. The ads target a large group of people they don’t target a specific person.

4 Promotion

One of the main purposes of advertising is to persuade the audience to buy which are being advertised. The message in the advertisement influence behavior of people and make them buy the product or service. As you see in this Ad of Byju’s they are trying to influence the parents of kids that is why they are conveying the message from Mr. Neeraj Chopra Olympic Gold Medalist. The message is too simple and deep in this ad if a parent listens to advise from Neeraj he/she takes suitable actions for the future of their child.

5 Multiple Media 

Advertising communicates through several types of media such as TV, Internet, Offline, Radio, etc.

6 Services/Products and Ideas

Advertising is used for Tangible as well as Intangible things and also Ideas like population control, gender equality, etc.

Now see this Nirma old ad they are promoting their product with the help of a gender equality and women empowerment idea.

7 Creativity

We can say that the most creative ad is the most successful ad. If a person sees any creativity in an ad the higher possibility is that he/she watch the full ad and probably share the Ad with his/her connections. For example, if you watch this IKEA creative Ad you will find it worthy and maybe you will share this with your group. 

8 Target Group

Advertisements target a particular group of people. The factors are purchasing power, age, status, etc. 

Watch this Liquid Death Ad they are mentioning and presenting that this is just water and safe for anyone (also Preggo ladies)

9 Long-Term Investment

It is an investment in building Brand and goodwill over a while. Ads will give returns one day if your message is clear and you convey it efficiently.

10 No Direct Relation with Sales

Ads and sales show no relation although, Ads are placed for a ton of reasons it doesn’t mean that it will increase the sales volume. 

11 Controlled 

Advertisements are fully controlled by the advertiser. The advertiser can choose a medium and choose the target audience, he can set the content, time, and direction of an advertisement. But an advertiser can’t control the content, time, or direction of publicity.

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