In the previous article, we learned the Nature of Ads, now it’s time to learn the unique nature of the advertising that is Advertising is Multidimensional. The following points will clear your concept that why advertising is multidimensional.
Advertising is a
Powerful Marketing Tool
Advertising is essential for marketing, without advertisement a marketer can’t develop a brand properly. An advertisement helps to launch a new product and helps to provide mass appeal. Advertising also helps to build a company’s goodwill.
Form of Art
Advertisements need creativity and originality with great imagination and talent. Advertisement is purely an art.
Form of Communication
Advertising communicates with the audience and creates awareness with rich information.
Component of Economic
Advertising is a component of the economy as it generates employment through several professionals like copywriters, researchers, marketers, graphic designers, etc. Mass media like TV, the internet, radio, newspapers make money from advertising. Advertising helps media to provide news and entertainment at a minimal cost.
Social Institution
Some Goods ads always create awareness in the society about education, family planning, health, woman empowerment, gender equality, etc.
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