Home Finance How Many Bosses Do You Have? | Direct and Indirect Bosses

How Many Bosses Do You Have? | Direct and Indirect Bosses

by Pankaj Kumar
How many bosses do you have?

How many bosses do you have you should ask this question yourself because how many of you like your boss and job? Are you happy with your job and boss? Most of the people I met are not happy with their current jobs and the person who is sitting on top of them is known as “Boss”. They always complain that my boss is very bad, he doesn’t treat us properly, and they are not able to leave their jobs and do what they like. They are unable to follow their passions. Why? Because they have lost their freedom. They are trapped. But do you know why they are trapped? Who had trapped them? 

The funny thing is that they are trapped by another boss. This boss is the real problem which must be handled properly. Now you must be thinking what nonsense am I talking about? But trust me friends this 2nd boss is the real cause of our bondage. He forces us to not follow our passion and live our lives to the fullest. Well, this 2nd boss is your bank or someone who has given you some loan.

Direct and Indirect Bosses

Direct and Indirect Bosses

According to my own classification, there are two types of the boss. 1st is direct and 2nd is indirect. A direct boss is one whom you can see and has direct control over you. But an indirect boss is one whom you can’t see and has indirect control over you.

These banks act as our 2nd boss who is scarier and more dangerous than our 1st boss but still, we curse our 1st boss but neglect the 2nd. Now I am going to explain why your lender acts as a 2nd boss using a real-life story that happened to me a few times ago.

Take Loan and Buy Home

I was talking to my parents and suddenly they told me that one of our relatives who got married recently is planning to buy a home by taking out a huge loan which they have to repay in the next 30 years. I knew that the couple had secured jobs in the government sector. Still, it made me think about the situation if it is a good decision or not? I reflected on this story and then realized how most people are trapped in their boring and uninteresting jobs while their dreams are not fulfilled. I know they can easily pay the loan with their salaries because they have fixed earning sources and they don’t have to worry about getting fired from their jobs. Still, there are many bad events which could happen in the future as you should know the future is uncertain.

Home of loans

They must always be thinking about their next EMI date and waiting for the salary to get credit in their accounts. While the 1st boss is always giving you the stress of work and your 2nd boss is taking your money before you can enjoy it. The 2nd boss is paid first before you. Now the real trap starts. Even if you want to do something which you like and want to follow your passion, you can’t do this. Because you are constantly in fear and stress about what would happen if you are not able to pay your EMI on time? And suppose at the same time you got some problem in your job and did not receive the money then what would be your situation and to make it worse if someone in your family got ill and you are left with no money in your account. Believe me, these are real situations that middle-class families have to face. That’s why I ask you to have some emergency funds and insurance. If you want to know more about it then check out our previous article on emergency funds and insurance

So, you have to get rid of this 2nd type of boss from your life and take control of your life by proper financial planning. Once you do this then you will feel free and then if you want you can think to be free from your 1st boss too. But if you are happy with your current job then it is totally ok to be in the same job. That’s where you will start to feel the real taste of freedom. Freedom from doing the same job even if it is boring and you are not interested in it because you have to pay your second boss. Take control of your finances and Be free. Kindly bookmark this website for more informational life-changing articles. Post your queries in the comments, thanks.

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