“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” -Confucius
Control Your Expenses

If I ask you – What is the way to become rich or financially independent? Most of the answers will be by increasing income, by working more hours, by getting a promotion, or once I get a salary hike, etc. These all answers are based on some future event which is not under our control. While I am not saying that all these factors are not important to become rich all I am saying is that all these factors are nothing or don’t help until we control one of the main causes of being poor, which is our spending habits. Now did you notice it is a very simple thing and also in our control for most of the part to control our unnecessary expenses. Then why are we looking for more complex answers? In simple terms, we can be financially free if we just manage our expenses. If we keep on increasing our income and also our spending habits at the same pace, then it doesn’t matter how much we are earning we will always be broke. But if you are not increasing your income but controlling expenses and saving more, then one day you will be rich for sure.
Complexity-biased Mindset

If we know that becoming rich is that simple then why are we looking for books, videos, lectures articles, etc. to teach us to be rich while the secret to riches is in front of us? It is because of the “complexity-biased” nature of our minds. We seek complex things in our life. Our mind thinks that life can’t be that simple, It must always be a complex equation. Once I solve that equation then I will break those bondages which are binding me to these situations. But we forget that thinking like this is the reason for our bondages.
Let’s take another example: What is the secret to getting a slim-fit body? It is very simple to just eat less (but healthy) and exercise more. Then why the hell there is a billion-dollar industry that teaches you how to be healthy. You can make the above simple things very complex like – eat this much gram of proteins, carbohydrates, etc then do this kind of exercise which is more effective than that kind of exercise and also the good quality of proteins is important and bla bla. But do you think this all helps more than “what is simple” as stated earlier? Just think over it.
Another complexity-biased thinking in our life is related to meditation – Which is the cause why so many different meditation schools are open nowadays. Well, I won’t talk much about this topic. But what is the main goal behind meditation? It is to tame our monkey mind and make it peaceful. But are we peaceful? No, we learn one meditation style such as breathing awareness and then the mind says- oh no! It can’t be this simple and look for somewhere else. Some other meditation styles and again we are agitated more than before learning the meditation. This is the complexity-biased nature of our minds. But in the end, once we know this habit of our mind and stick to our original simple-looking plan then I assure you that you will be much ahead in the game.
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein
Think Over It

Read the above quote and think over it. Are you able to explain simply any matter? If not then why are you making it complex? Are you getting any results by this complexity and if yes then by how much margin if you compare it with its simple solution. We will find that we are unnecessarily making our life complex and we are not able to understand it. And if we are not able to understand our situation then how can we solve the problem? Think over it and make your life simple.
I will end this article by giving you a mantra – “Simple the Better”. Use it in your life and live a simple happy life. I’m also suggesting you watch this Ted talk. Video is here
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